Approximately 450,000 views per year.
When a user searches by category or opens a specific listing, banners for that category or listing will display. Otherwise, banners display randomly. Price is for 1 location/city.
Approximately 45,500 views per month.
Ads are shown in a random order, and appear every third time user opens a directory. Ad can be linked to a website, dialer, email, whatsapp or Smartlist page.
Approximately 28,000 receiving users.
Notification title displays on the top bar of the phone and in the notification drawer. Upon opening the notification, the ad with the image is displayed in full.
IMPORTANT: Numbers are estimates based on past data (data sample from 2018). Some statistics are only based on Lakewood data. Depending on individual setup of an ad, it may get sent to/ received by/ viewed or clicked by more or less users. Past statistics do not determine future success.